Category Archives: Menopause

Don’t Break the Scale

Like me, I’m sure that many of you have considered breaking your scale during this time in your life.

I’ve always been on the slim to average side of the scale, but no matter what size you are, packing on 20 pounds is pretty significant! What in the chocolate cake is going on around here? Unless of course, you have an eating disorder and are in need of gaining weight, and to you I say BRAVO! Keep eating, healthy weight is good!

With that being said, I’ve really been thinking about making some serious changes in my diet, overall, just not feeling the best I could be, I know that I can make healthier choices in some of the things that I choose to consume, I mean really! I don’t have to eat ice cream EVERY night! I also feel that this will help me to minimize some of the physical things I feel at this moment in my life, the hot flashes, sleepless nights, tiredness, WEIGHT GAIN, irritability and aches. I know that it won’t solve everything! But I truly believe I can feel better than I do. I am of the belief that we are what we eat, and right now I’m a 5-scoop super sundae!        Ice cream is my number one weakness! My friends often joke that I would trade them in over a bowl of ice cream. Lol! So not true guys ;o)        Gonna take loads of will power, PRAYER, a good plan and a reconditioning of the mind. I don’t want to do a diet, I want to make a life change when it comes to eating. Diets are temporary, and most times when you come off, you gain more weight than before you started the diet! But, if I think of it as a life change, I will make choices that will affect my health for years to come, for the best. Now, I’m not saying that I’ll never gonna have a burger or ice cream again! But I do want to get to the point where I view these things as a treat! And not an everyday food item, I’ve seen way to many bad results of people having a continuous bad diet, heart attacks, diabetes, obesity and the list goes on! I’d like to make changes while it’s still my choice to do so, VERSUS, Ma’am if you don’t do this, your future is not going to be so bright. I think I want to start with juicing first, just to clean out my system and to gear up for the battle ahead. I also started reading this book called “THE 100 by Jorge Cruise”, I’m not done with it yet, but it’s been a very interesting read thus far, it talks about counting only sugar calories, which is primarily my problem, like most people, I am addicted to SUGAR!! I will keep you posted as to my progress with this present battle.

Pill, Patch, Cream or Nothing?

Yes! This is a question that many of us will have to ponder when confronted with  some of the affects of menopause, whether that be hot-flashes, moodiness or anxiety attacks.

Many women go on some type of hormone therapy to help them to cope with their Physical and emotional situation. These take on many forms, pills, patches, creams and more!  You will quickly discover that not everything works for everybody! You will have to pick and choose what you are willing to experiment with, or not!

Doctors, friends and acquaintances, will all be well meaning as they bombard you with remedies, cures, potions and the, “This is the best thing EVER”! To relieve you of your new found symptoms. Do your homework on anything you are thinking about trying, there are side effects and risks involved with many these meds. Other women may veer more toward the natural or homeopathic, but as with everything else, I stress again, what may work for one person, may not work for you.  Example, when I first started having my anxiety attacks, someone I knew recommended that I use this estrogen cream, all you had to do was rub some on your inner arms and breast, OMG! That stuff made me so wacky! Needless to say, I had to stop using it after a couple of weeks. Wasn’t for me.  Fast forward about 10 years later. I’m deep into dealing  with these (thinking face) who left me out here in the middle of the desert, hot-flashes! One of my friends was on estrogen and it worked very well for her, not only that! But I had a few clients that were on the estrogen patch, they too sang praises on how if it weren’t for that patch! They didn’t know what they would do! They said it saved them, and their families from the ugly person they had become due to the hormonal imbalance caused by the menopause.  And to top it all off, my new doctor recomended the low dose estrogen pill for me too, he said, “Whats the harm in trying it? it could be the very thing you need to help you.” So here is yet another person telling me about this stuff! And after ten years of suffering with menopausal symptoms, I gave in to trying estrogen. I was on it for three weeks before I had to come off, it was HORRIBLE for me! I had all kinds of crazy side affects! light headedness, a constant dull headache and pain in my lower legs that would bother me in my sleep, and while sitting down, it was not nice! Unbelievable! I was really hoping for the best (sad face) I was never really a western medicine type person, I kind of lean more toward the natural,  but that’s just me! Doesn’t make the other stuff  wrong for someone else, just not right for me. So the ball is in your court, Pill, Patch, Cream or Nothing?

What Are Hot Flashes?


Hot! Hot! Hot!

OMG!!!!!! Who turned the HEAT up in here!
Can we talk about these hot flashes! Who thought it was a good idea to put FIRE! Inside The human body? SERIOUSLY! How can I even begin to go about describing one of these things. ( Big pause) Ok, what are hot flashes? It’s like a heat source that starts inside the core of your body, and from there, it sends out soldiers of sweat to every pore of your body! Sometimes it even makes you a little weak, and your heart skip a beat. Many women even use sound effects to sound the warning of it’s impending arrival. This pool of sweat makes you feel like taking a shower 10 times a day, of course we know that’s not practical, but that’s how you feel.
My hot flashes did not start right away, I had night sweats in the beginning, pretty much the same as the hot flashes, but it just happens at night while you’re sleeping.
My flashes were progressive, when they first started, I would get that little core heat thing and a little sweat coming up through my head and face maybe a couple of times a week. It would go away for months, and then pop up again here and there. Then it would happen more frequently until I was having them EVERYDAY! ALL DAY!

These hot flashes alone are enough to drive any women MAD!
At night I feel like I’m in a menopausal version of the karate kid, covers on! Covers off! Alright already! When does the heatwave stop!

Just like with the case of menopause, not all women will suffer with hot flashes, I actually have some friends that get the chills instead. Some women may experience hot flashes for a short period of time, and other women my have hot flashes off and on for LIFE! They are not really sure as to what causes these hot flashes, but some say that you can minimize or even stop them by watching the things that you eat. Others choose to take supplements or even try hormone replacement. These are things you will have to figure out for yourself.

Yo Momma!


It would make sense for us to think that our menopausal experience would mirror that of our moms, but most of us have no idea what our mothers experiences were because most of our moms never spoke about it, or perhaps back then, sharing their  thoughts and feelings would have gained them an unwanted label, or maybe they didn’t quite know what they were experiencing themselves. I can’t ever remember that being a subject in our home, and my mother was very big on educating my brother and I on the important things of life.  But really,  how could she  know in depth about this, if she wasn’t around women herself, that had gone through it and shared their experiences with her, her mother was dead by the time my mother was 16.

When it came to menopause, my experience was quite different than my mom’s,  first off,  my mother didn’t start going through menopause until she was in her late fifties, I was 37.  I so remember my mom having these crazy hot flashes accompanied with sound affects, and sweat dripping from her face Lol!  It was funny back then, but oh!  How I now know what she was going through.  I can’t really recall if she dealt with any emotional issues,  looking back I can say that I remember her being a little more sensitive in certain situations,  but nothing more than that.
I couldn’t understand why I started going through menopause so much earlier than my mom,  I was told that women who started to menstruate at an earlier age would most likely go into menopause earlier,  I guess that would make sense,  I started my period at around 11 or 12 and my mom started when she was in her teens.  There are women though, that do have the same menopausal experiences as their mothers. Not sure if anyone knows the rhyme or reason, it is what it is.